Grab your current read and let it fall open to a random page. Post two (or more) sentences from that page, along with the title and author. Don’t give anything vital away!

“He trembled as he stared at her, as if he didn’t quite recognize her for what she was. And then, quite suddenly, she saw sense come into his gaze, and of course, he did recognize her, and passed a hand over his pale face.”
-p. 165 of Mercedes Lackey’s Phoenix and Ashes [re-reading this for the umpteenth time]
That is such a haunting teaser! Great pick :)
Sounds like a great book.I'm going to check it out and see if my library has it. Thanks for sharing :)
Here's my Tuesday Teaser
Somewhere in my books, I have a copy of this. I really need to read it...I love Mercedes Lackey. One of my favorites in this series was The Fire Rose, but I loved them all. :)
Here's my teaser: The Red Tree by Caitlin R Kiernan
Now I want to reread this book too!
Sounds good! And that cover, fun! :)
The beginning of a romance? Nice tease. Here's mine.
Alluring... a lot more so than the cover. Looks like a bad 70's episode... lol
Oooh...Great teaser! My TT from City of Ashes is here.
From the Shadows
This is totally of topic, but my six year old son found your business card and loves it! He insists that it is his book mark. I'm just thrilled that he wants me to read to him. :)
That should have been "off topic." I guess I was typing too fast.
Tender and clever. I want more :)
My teaser this week is super late and therefore more of a Thursday Teaser :)
I just know I'm not telling you anything you don't know, but I was looking up the man that wants to ban some books and wrote a newspaper article about it on google. Anyway, I looked at an author that spoke out against him very eloquently and she's a Zombie book writer! Do you know Michele Lee? Her website is http://www.michelelee.net
One of her books is Rot and another is called Dark Futures.
Then she shows some other authors books.
Just thought you might like to know and she has a fun video about gamer girls to the tune of Katie Perry's California Girls.
Have a great Monday! And you still haven't recommended what Zombie book I should start with!
Heather: I'd suggest starting with the short stories in Zombies vs. Unicorns. There are several different types (funny, serious, straight horror), and they'll give you a handle on what you prefer in the genre. Plus, they're quick reads. Enjoy!
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