As is ever the case, I’m late in announcing a contest winner for my it’s (almost) spring giveaway. In fact, I waited long enough that it actually IS spring. Well, in two days it is. Just to refresh your memory, the winner of this giveaway will receive a $75 gift code to CSN, to spend on anything available in their 200+ online stores. I have personally ordered cookware and decorative items from CSN, and found the service superb (yes, it’s true)(and no, they didn’t pay me to say that).
Please join me in congratulating the winner:
Thank all of you for entering the giveaway! I’ll host another one soon, so check back in. Now go forth and enjoy your weekends!
Congrats Melissa!
Yay Melissa! :D
Congrats Melissa!
congratulations to the winner!
Thank you all! And thank you Cecelia. :) As soon as I got the code, I went shopping. :) I can't wait to get it! lol.
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