How do you keep track of the books you want to read but haven't purchased or borrowed yet? In my pre-blogging days, I didn't 'keep track.' Book discovery was limited to the library shelves, bookstore surprises, or on *very* rare occasions, author stalking via blogs. Now however, I have lists of books I 'Want to Read' on Goodreads, an Amazon wishlist, and a meticulously curated library holds shelf. I have many unread books at home, but the book-acquiring bug doesn't (ever) let up. p.s. Friends and family: a bookstore gift card is ALWAYS a good bet if you don't know what to get me. *grin*
Top Ten Books I Want
to Read But Haven’t Purchased/Borrowed Yet
1. Greenglass House by Kate Milford – Kate Milford is a fantastic human being, and she also writes lovely books. Best combination ever. This one (out today!) has two starred reviews, and I'll read it as soon as the library copies come in (I requested it through my local system, and they bought four copies! #winning).
2. The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil
Gaiman – I usually like (and sometimes adore) Gaiman's novels, but I've been dragging my feet on this one. I didn't want to get caught up in the release hype, to be completely honest. I'm thinking several cups of hot tea plus this book will make a long winter afternoon transcendent.
3. The Islands of Chaldea by Diana Wynne
Jones and Ursula Jones – Diana Wynne Jones' last book! I am of two minds about this one. I want to read it (obviously!), but I also never want to run out of possible DWJ books for emergencies. Because DWJ's books are THE BEST for bad days, weeks, and months. They're medicine for the soul.
4. Six-Gun Snow White by Catherynne M.
Valente – I think this is actually a novelette (or novella?!). I am not sure what it's about, but that cover! And Snow White in the title! I'm a fairy tale fanatic, and I can't wait for this one to re-emerge as an ebook download.
5. A Curse Dark as Gold by Elizabeth C.
Bunce – Speaking of beautiful covers and fairy tale retellings... say hello to a YA Rumplestiltskin retelling! I can't believe I haven't read this one yet. Clearly I am only waiting because I must own it first?!
6. Obernewtyn by Isobelle Carmody – Dear Australia: You have produced some of my favorite fantasists. Garth Nix, hmm? I've heard such good things about the Obernewtyn series. I'm worried I'll feel as though I've missed an important part of my fantasy education until I buckle down and read them.
7. Untold by Sarah Rees Brennan – Brennan tortures her readers, and the first book in this series, Unspoken, was no exception. I haven't read book #2 because I'm waiting for the series conclusion. I think I can just about handle the whole series in one big gulp... if I know there's an ending in sight.
8. Royal Airs by Sharon Shinn – I go to Shinn books for guaranteed emotion. I am just never sure if it'll be swoon or if there'll be an edge that bothers me, you know? I will pick this one up soon (I think changeable fall weather calls for intense reads!).
9. Runelight by Joanne Harris – Harris, of Chocolat fame, wrote one of the best reworkings of mythology (Runemarks) that I've ever read. There are two follow-up titles, and this is the first. I don't know that it's available in hard copy in the US right now, but it's on the to-read list... so I'll order it from England if need be!
10. Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie – It feels as though everyone has read this title (and raved about it). Well, I want to be part of everyone. Also, the book sounds amazing.
What books would make your list?
Fairy tale love to SIX-GUN SNOW WHITE and A CURSE DARK AS GOLD! Oooh, yes, I keep seeing ROYAL AIRS at the store and wanting to blind-buy it! All of her books sound so interesting!
The Ocean at the End of the Lane is pretty great and also a very fast read.
A Curse as Dark as Gold has been on my TBR list for a while, but I had completely forgotten about it.
Runemarks is on my list this week, but I was unaware that it had a sequel, much less two.
Untold!!! AHH!! I can't wait til the third book comes out in September. I'm dying for it!
I hope you get some of these. They all look really good!
I haven't read any of these yet; I barely even know any! I do love the look of Runelight by Joanne Harris. I see that I do have bk 1 on my TBR, must get on that :D
Happy reading!
Great list, I haven’t heard of many of these. Have added ‘A Curse as Dark as Gold’ to my TBR list – I love Fairy Tale retellings. I also like Diana Wynne Jones’s books, she wrote my all-time favourite book: ‘The Game’.
I would read The Islands of Chaldea and save another one for last since it's not quite DWJ enough, if you know what I mean (there's a tidy ending for one thing!).
And I need to put Greenglass House on my library list.
I heard about the Obernewtyn series a while back. It sounds intriguing!
I have had A Curse Dark as Gold on my TBR for what feels like forever. Just never gotten around to it. Some other great looking ones on here I have never heard before. Gotta check them out.
I just got Greenglass House from the library yesterday! But I already had too many books checked out, so I gave it to my mother, who'll finish it before I could. I liked A Curse As Dark as Gold and The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Gaiman always makes a fantastic audiobook, too, if you like those. I'm intrigued by Obernewtyn, and Ancillary Justice has been on my want-to-read list for a while (though as I know my library has it, it didn't make my list.)
Oh my gosh, I haven't even HEARD of any of these (except for the Gaiman). Of course, they're all immediately going on my TBR!!!
The only one I've rad of these is The Ocean at the End of the Lane and I didn't think it was as good as Coraline or Stardust.
sooo many good books! so little time! so little money :)
I completely feel your pain about so many unread books but still wanting more, haha! Now that Ancillary Justice has won the Hugo, I feel kind of required to read it but we'll see, so many books!
Oh, The Islands of Chaldea might as well be my whole list. I love Diana Wynne Jones so much, and I just can't face the fact that once I read that book, I'll have read all her books. No new ones ever.
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