Grab your current read and let it fall open to a random page. Post two (or more) sentences from that page, along with the title and author. Don’t give anything vital away!
“Will you take just a few steps this way? So I can stay hidden. If anyone else sees me, I will end up in the zoo.
‘And if I try to tell anyone, we might end up roommates?’”
-p. 367 of Kathleen Duey’s “The Third Virgin” in Zombies vs. Unicorns by Holly Black and Justine Larbalestier, eds. (ARC version)
Ooo... I am looking forward to this anthology! So many great authors & the blog discussion that led to this book was hilarious. Hope you are enjoying it! :)
I can't get enough of the cover and hearing anything about the book. Sounds like a fun time.
My teaser can be found here
Both the cover and your teaser are great! I'm looking forward to this one. Mine is from The Girl Who Could Fly.
I wasn't going to put this one on my wishlist, but the more I hear about it the closer it is coming to the top of my list!
This sounds like a great read. Hope it's good. :)
Great teaser. Sounds like it might be a great anthology.
Great teaser! I am looking forward to reading this book.
My teaser is from Beth Kephart's Dangerous Neighbors.
I have not read a zombie book as yet..
Here is my Tuesday teaser done differently!
Great teaser! Looking forward to this one
This is going to be an interesting book. Nice teaser.
Very cool, definitely worth checking out!
What a teaser.
Here is my Teaser Tuesday :)
Not sure what to make of that, but the title is a hoot!! LOL
Our teasers this week are courtesy of Alyson Noel and Maggie Stiefvater.
Happy reading :)
Book ♥ Soulmates
Great sounding Teaser! :) This sounds like one crazy spin with zombies and unicorns. Thank you!
If you would like to stop by I have a teaser up as well...
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