It's Teaser Tuesday, a bookish blog meme hosted every week by MizB of
Should Be Reading. Here's how it works:
Grab your current read and let it fall open to a random page (or if you're reading on an electronic device, pick a random number and scroll to that section). Post two or more sentences from that page, along with the book title and author. Share your find with others in the comments at Should Be Reading, and don't give anything vital away!
“You can see the Pennines all around the city of Stockport, green and bare with fast-moving stripes of cloud and sunlight gliding overhead like a Technicolor moving picture. I know because I went on leave for a weekend and stayed with Maddie and her grandparents, and she took me on her motorbike up the Dark Peak, one of the most wonderful afternoons of my life.”
Interesting. Great teaser.
I've heard good things about this one but I'm just not ready to go after it yet.
Very nice teaser. not so sure if it would be my kind of read though.
Oh wow. Neat teaser. sounds like she really enjoyed visiting the place and seeing the pennies.
Ooh, that's great teaser!
yay for TT! you = awesome at picking books with good excerpts/ falling open to the right page :D
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