teaser tuesday (21)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009 |
It's Teaser Tuesday, a bookish blog meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Here's how it works:

Grab your current read and let it fall open to a random page. Post two (or more) sentences from that page, along with the title and author. Don’t give anything vital away!

“Our tale, the one that couldn’t quite remain a simple love story, begins then in Fabletown and almost immediately moves up to the Farm. It happens because a witch learned something that she told to a beast, who phoned a wolf, who in turn called his wife’s twin sister, who never was a princess but perhaps should have been.”

-p. 24 of Bill Willingham’s Peter & Max


Erin said...

That sounds very interesting! Any story that has witches phoning wolves with local gossip must be a fun read!

Victoria said...

Great teaser, sounds very intriguing!

Tena said...

what an awesome teaser you are!!
Great tease

Melissa (My World...in words and pages) said...

Wow, you have my attention. Is this a little take on Peter the piper? I didn't think of it till after the teaser and the picture with the name Peter.

I really want to see you review of this. It sounds really good.

Thanks for the great teaser. If you would like to stop by I have done the Where are you... this week.

Terra said...

Excellent teaser. It definitely captures my interest. I quite like the cover for this one as well.

s said...

A beast who uses a telephone...nice:)

Bleuette said...

Great Teaser! Sounds very interesting!:)

here's mine:


Anonymous said...

ahahaha Celia...you know me too well - i do heart this one like, woah!!!

how come i havent heard of this before??

fabulous teaser m'dear!

-Aimee :)

She said...

I just read a review for this, and it sounds amazing.

Nice banner, btw!

Ryan said...

What a great teaser. I can't wait to red your review of this.

Anonymous said...

This sounds great. I am adding it to my Book Swim list right now.

Kim said...

How fun is this! I look forward to your review. No teaser from me again this week--still hangin' with the Count. I know!! But I'm lovin' it. Do or die this week. :)

Beth said...

What a fun teaser! Thanks for the visit.

Kals said...

This is a very interesting teaser! I'm looking forward to the review =)

Here's my teaser:

Anonymous said...

A very intruiging teaser!

Heidi V said...

Wow sounds like a good one thanks!

Helen said...

Great teaser. Sounds like an interesting book!

jlshall said...

I love that "perhaps should have been" a princess! I always felt that way, too! Great teaser.

fredamans said...

Hmmm... I'm have mixed emotions on it.


Missy B. said...

I love it! A wolf using a phone....
Great tease!

kayerj said...

I like the sound of this one--thanks for stopping by.

The Westie Loving Therapist said...

Sounds like an interesting cast of characters! Thanks for visiting my post. :)

Anonymous said...

Great teaser. Sounds very fairytale-ish.

Anonymous said...

How interesting. It made me smile. Good teaser!

Katrina said...

I absolutely LOVE you teaser, this book is now on my TBR!!!

Unknown said...

Sounds very interesting. Thanks for the great teaser!

Tiina said...

That is an intriguing teaser. it made me want to know more about this book.:) And thanks for visiting my blog!


Marg said...

I have seen so much about the Willigham books, but have never read any, mainly because my library doesn't have them. Enjoy!

INCiDeNT (Kayleigh) said...

Love the teaser! Anything with an oddity captures my attention!

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