making way for zombies

Sunday, May 9, 2010 |
image found here

It’s May, also known as Zombie Awareness Month, which I announced in this blog post (also serves as a giveaway). That means that the KILLER UNICORNS must cede their place until the month of September, which shall be rather terrific. But before we forget them entirely, I must announce the winners of the two signed copies of Rampant by Diana Peterfreund. Please join me in congratulating:

Shy of The Bibliophile’s Journal

and okbolover of Okbo Lover

Both are team KILLER UNICORN. The crowd was mostly team unicorn – but that may have been due to the nature of the prize. If zombies are more your thing, definitely check out the giveaway in progress. AND, before I forget, the bookmarks go to Sylvia, Audrey; (AyC), I Heart Book Gossip, alaska, and Katherine Hazen. Whichever of those lucky ducks gets back to me the fastest will also get a hardcover copy of Rampant shipped from Amazon (simply because they are at bargain price right now). Ah, books.


Audrey (holes In My brain) said...

thank you so much!! I'm ecstatic right now :D

Shy said...

Oh my!! I'm so glad that no one can see the happy dance move I just made :D I'll be sending my address to you right away. Thank you SO SO SO much!

Tales of Whimsy said...

Congrats ;)

vvb32 reads said...

ewww - sick pic. gonna have to check out that amazon deal!

Unknown said...


You have an award on my blog here.

Leah l'Orange said...

congrats, winners, and YAY, Zombie Awareness Month! wear your ribbons with pride! :)

you are too funny, Cee! xo

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