Everything Austen challenge is back!
Last year Stephanie of
Stephanie’s Written Word hosted a fabulous challenge called Everything Austen.
How much fun was that?! I watched the BBC and Masterpiece Theater Austen films that I’d never gotten around to before, and I learned about a whole new world of literary Austen adaptations.
This year the challenge goal remains the same:
read, watch, craft, or do six Jane Austen-related items in the next six months.
Last time I was an overachiever and committed to
twelve items.
I won’t be so foolhardy again.
I mean, I love Jane Austen (show me someone – aside from
Mark Twain – who has read her books and doesn’t).
But TWELVE items!
That’s pressure.
And since I am not reliable under pressure (shine the light on my character failings, why don’t you?), I try not to push the envelope.
However, I do happen to have six films and books in mind for reading, watching and reviewing by December 31, 2010.
They are…
Prada and Prejudice by Mandy Hubbard (this was on my list last year and I never finished it…oh, the shame!)
I Was Jane Austen’s Best Friend by Cora Harrison
Scones and Sensibility by Lindsay Eland
Mr. Darcy, Vampyre by Amanda Grange (another hold-over from the good old days)
The Jane Austen Book Club (2007)
Miss Austen Regrets (2008)
The official challenge start date is July 1, so there’s plenty of time to get involved and decide on items. And something useful I discovered last time: it’s perfectly fine (and even normal) to substitute your choices if one or a few turn out to be really tedious. So to sum up: it’s flexible, it’s Jane Austen, it is whatever you want it to be. What’s not to like? Oh, you like? Sign up here! Will you be taking part?
I'm doing it too! I think it's a great idea, because there's no pressure to read 10 more books, which can be daunting when your TBR stack is already teetering. I'm reading a couple, but also using it as an excuse to catch up on fun new film versions of the books I love.
Thanks for telling me about this! I think I'm going to do it because I have never read a Jane Austen book (I know, right!) and I hear so many wonderful things and and I just need to read it now!
Have fun! It looks like you've got some great choices.
Scones was SUPER cute :) Enjoy!
I plan on joining again too this year, and also toning it down to six instead of twelve items!
So glad that you are joining in again this year!!
Havent joined it but I have read some spin offs which were wonderful.
I highly recommend The Family Fortune by Laurie Horowitz (I loved it)...and I am now going to join this challenge! (thanks!)
Looks like you've picked some fun ones!
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