I’ve lived in DC for almost 8 months, and I’ve just started to settle in. Translation: I’ve finally begun to put things on the walls in my room. I’m using art prints because I don’t have a lot of snapshots, and many of my things didn’t make this last move with me.

[via hushmouse]
I bought this print on Etsy. My roommates think I’m crazy, and have effectively banned me from redecorating the rest of the apartment. I consider it whimsical. Plus, it reminds me of Seattle. What do you think?
I don't know if I would put it on my wall, but I think it's completely adorable.
absolutely fabulous.
super cute is my verdict!
Well, it's cute, to be sure. But maybe cute just isn't the decorating statement your roommates are looking to make at this point in their grownup lives! But a whimsical bedroom? Go for it!
I adore it. Yes, it's very cute, you should just do it. ;)
I love it! I would totally let you decorate my room. :)
who can resist a squirrel in the rain? :-)
I think it's really cute!
I think it's adorable but not sure I would put it in my bedroom. Bathroom maybe, though I already have a print of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit in there (he's the precursor to Mickey Mouse).
Love it. It would definitely be at home in my office here. Though I am afraid I might damage it in a squirrel-inspired rage after they've raided the garden and taken off with my beautiful almost-ripe tomatoes...
cute! we all need a bit of whimsy in our lives!
Oh it's so precious and whimsical. I love it!
I love it, but my hubby would hate it because he doesn't like squirrels at all!
OH MY WORD- this is one of Cecelia's roommates (who is about 38 months behind the social media times and is now making a first comment on her beloved roommate's blog, thanks to mr. squirrel). Celia mentioned that we should get this print poster size and hang it in the living room....response? ....uhh...errr.... uhhh... I'd rather just keep one of your chocolate pear ganache cakes in the common space and leave mr. squirrel and cloud umbrella....uhh... somewhere else. BUT this is infinitely better than the creepy doll print currently on your desk....EEEEE...creepy.
I have rabid (at least I'm pretty sure they are) squirrels in my neighborhood. I would not choose to put them on my walls, but I can admire it from afar.
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