get brave and swim in the ocean

Saturday, June 25, 2011 |
That’s what I tell myself – this is BRAVE, and not completely foolhardy. I’ve swum across a lake before (YEARS ago, before I developed sense and/or fear), but have never attempted any distance at all in the mighty ocean. My friend Lauren and I are doing a one-mile ocean swim race tomorrow morning. In the Atlantic.

[art from katep’s etsy shop]

If I survive, I will be back next week with another contest and book reviews. Wish me luck!


Giada M. said...

WOW! Good Luck! :D

Sullivan McPig said...

Good luck! You can do it!

Amy said...

Good luck!! Where in the Atlantic, if I may ask?

Cecelia said...

Virginia Beach, Virginia!

Amy said...

Very cool. I hope it goes well :)

Jenny said...

Oh fun! Have a wonderful time! I aggressively love the Atlantic -- my family used to vacation in Maine, and there was nothing I loved more than body-surfing for hours. Well, one hour. It was usually about 55 degrees and we had to go back in after an hour or risk hypothermia. I'm sure it's warmer in Virginia. :p

Ryan said...

Since I didn't hear of any tragic drownings on the news, I'm assuming you survived. I hope you had tons of fun, and I'm just a little envious of the guts it took to do that. I'm not sure i could have.

Alyce said...

I want to hear all about your swim! Swimming in the ocean definitely intimidates me too.

Cecelia said...

Thank you all for your lucky wishes! I DID finish the swim, though I got seasick in the middle and had to tread water for about 15 minutes before starting up again. If I do another open water race, I'm definitely trying a LAKE!

Quite the experience, I must say...

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you finished. Now you can say you did it. I'd be too afraid to attempt it.

Tales of Whimsy said...

How cool. Good luck!

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