It's Teaser Tuesday, a bookish blog meme hosted every week by MizB of Should Be Reading. Here's how it works:
Grab your current read and let it fall open to a random page (or if you're reading on an electronic device, pick a random number and scroll to that section). Post two or more sentences from that page, along with the book title and author. Share your find with others in the comments at Should Be Reading, and don't give anything vital away!

“Everything happens at night.
The world changes, the shadows grow, there’s secrecy and privacy in dark places. First kiss, at night, by the monkey bars and the old swings that the children and their parents have vacated; second, longer kiss, by the bike stands, swirl of dust around feet in the dry summer air.”
p. 1 of Michelle Sagara’s Silence
That's a great teaser--and that's from page one? I'll have to check this book out. My teaser is HERE!
If the rest of the book is as good as page one, then this must be one hell of a nice read. (: And the cover is amazing, title font reminds me of graveyard gates or something similar.
Aleksandra and her Teaser Tuesday
This book snuck up on me. I love Michelle Sagara and have already pre-ordered this one. Great teaser!
My teasers are from Until Next Time by Amy Lignor and The Fireman Who Loved Me by Jennifer Bernard. Happy reading!
Awesome teaser. Seems to really set the mood for the story!
Thanks for sharing and checking out my TEASER :)
i should pick teasers from the first page too, they seem to be good ones :D
My teaser is from Eric Flint's alternate-history novel The Dance of Time:
e-Volving Books
I just got this in the mail. I can't wait to start it. It sounds so good. Thanks for sharing! Happy reading!
Check out my blog
That is from PAGE ONE? HOLY cow! GREAT blog glad I popped by!
LOVE THIS MEME Teaser Tuesdays @ Cabin Goddess
I really like this teaser. Nice way to start off a book. Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by my teaser.
My teaser is from Grave Mercy and can be found here
Really good teaser!! Thanks for stopping by my TT.
LOVE the teaser! I have this one coming in the mail and after that teaser I'm more excited!
Thanks for stopping by LIO!
Not familiar with this book but wow that teaser is awesome.
What a way to start off a book! Woo! Love when there's a kick booty start.
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I do love a good mind-erasing scene. Hehe
Oh this is a wonderful teaser. It makes me smile and reminiscence and relate.
A nice descriptive teaser.
That teaser makes the book sounds awesome!
Talk about a great opening. Wow, I'm how the rest is just as amazing.
Thanks for stopping by.
I LOVE that cover. I seen this around, but forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder. I have to check this one out. :)
I'm a new follower!
Here's mine:
Awesome teaser! I love it!
Teaser Tuesday - Megan Likes Books
I love the voice. It sounds kind of detached, and distanced.
Great Teaser!
Check out mine.
Diana @ BookVenturers :)
Great teaser - I had not heard of this book until today, sounds like one I would enjoy.
how romantic. kaye—the road goes ever ever on
I love the beautiful description in your teaser. This sounds like the kind of book I'd love.
Here's my teaser: Sandy's Teaser
What a great teaser! So creepy and intriguing. And I love the cover. Thanks for sharing!
That's gorgeous! I love it. I know a lot of people got this book last week, and I can't wait for it. It looks absolutely fantastic.
Oh wow! Such detail. Really a great teaser! Thank you! And love that cover too.
Awe <3 I love that teaser!
Thanks for stopping by mine as well. Sorry it took me so long to make my way over to yours :)
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