top ten favorite books from my pre-blogging days

Tuesday, April 9, 2013 |
Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we all get to exercise our OCD tendencies and come up with bookish lists.  If you’d like to play along, check out this post.

top ten tuesday

It was fairly easy to come up with a list of favorite books from my pre-blogging days.  I visualized my childhood bedroom (which I shared with my sister) and the books that never made it out into the many bookcases around our house.  The titles that stayed in the bedroom were ones I read over and over and over again.  That’s what I do with my favorites – I re-read them to pieces.  In the case of my first pick, quite literally. *grin*  Don’t worry, I’ve found an identical replacement copy!

Top Ten Favorite Books From My Pre-Blogging Days

1. A Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton Porter – I've read this one more than twenty times.  It’s about a girl growing up in rural Indiana at the turn of the century, and it has exquisite descriptions of the natural world as well as coming of age and an epic romance.  Recommended for anyone who liked Louisa May Alcott or L.M. Montgomery.

2. The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley – Possibly the first ‘serious’ fantasy that I fell into, soul-first.  The heroine Harry doesn’t fit in her world, and must make her way among an unfamiliar people in an unfamiliar land.  Straight magic.

3. Sabriel by Garth Nix – This book melts my face off.  Young heroine must leave exclusive school to travel into death, rebind ancient evil, and out-clever an elemental?  Oh yes.  Funny, smart and full of nail-biting tension.

4. Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman – Neil Gaiman has written some rather fabulous things, but this is my favorite.  It’s dark and sharp and crazy good.

5. Calico Captive by Elizabeth George Speare – A book based on a true account of an early colonial settler abducted by Native Americans during wartime and sold in French Quebec.  By the author of The Witch of Blackbird Pond.  For a history-obsessed young reader, this was book crack.

6. Alphabet of Thorn by Patricia McKillip – A fantasy that stars a young librarian obsessed with languages?  Be still my little beating heart.  Oh, how I loved the lyrical writing and obsession with language.  Still do, in fact.

7. Persuasion by Jane Austen – This was always my favorite Austen book, maybe because Anne has such a rich interior life.  Introverts, unite!

8. Snow White and Rose Red by Patricia C. Wrede – Written initially as part of a series of fairy tales for adults, Wrede’s placement of the traditional story in the time and language of Elizabethan England enchanted me.

9. Phoenix and Ashes by Mercedes Lackey – While it is the third installment in Lackey’s Elemental Masters series, it is by far my favorite.  The classic Cinderella tale is reborn during WWI, with aeroplanes, magic and curses.

10. Quo Vadis by Henryk Sienkiewicz – This epic about Rome under Nero’s rule captured my imagination in high school.  I loved the high drama, the complex story, the multitude of plots and characters.  When I remember this book, I think of how much a reader's tastes can change over time.

If you are a blogger, what were your favorite books in your pre-blogging days?  If you don’t blog, what were your favorite books in high school?


Liviania said...

I need to read some of these!

Hmm, Sabriel and Neverwhere (or perhaps Anansi Boys) would definitely be on my list. Watership Down. Magic Steps by Tamora Pierce. The Scarlet Letter. Maybe a Laura Ingalls Wilder? It's hard to chose just one. Probably The Vampire Lestat. (The Vampire Chronicles vary greatly in quality, but I'll always love TVL.) And likely something by Robin Hobb. I was full swing in my Robin Hobb stage right before I started blogging.

Angela's Anxious Life said...

Neverwhere is amazing.. have you listened to the new BBC audio recordings of it? It has an outstanding cast!

Here is my list:
Top Ten Tuesday

Divergent Gryffindor said...

I actually havent heard of any of these books yet!
Top Ten Tuesday
April Blog Hop

Lori said...

I read Neverwhere before I was blogging too! It's still the only Gaiman book I've read. How horrible is that!? I really need to read The Blue Sword. I looove Robin McKinley's books. Oh, and I also read the first book in the Elemental Masters series and loved it. Great list!

My Top Ten

Susan said...

Wow, I haven't read ANY of these. For shame, for shame. I think I need to get to these, especially the classics like LIMBERLOST and PERSUASION.

Happy TTT!

Tales of Whimsy said...

Coool list. :) Mine would include, Alice Hoffman, Like Water for Chocolate, and Twilight.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I haven't read any of these books! I do want to read Persuasion soon, though. Love Jane Austen!

Nikki R said...

Sabriel and Neverwhere are on my list, too! Two of my absolute favorite books ever.

My Top Ten

Christina said...

I just added several books to my TBR, so thanks for that. I am SUPER excited to have found a book about a librarian. Umm, made of win!

Tanya Patrice said...

I read Neverwhere (after I started blogging) and love it too!!! One of my most memorable reads.

@MelissaJoLynn_ said...

I've never heard of any of these =X Well except for Persuasion. I want to read more Jane Austen one of these days.

Dana said...

I haven't read any of these at all but your descriptions make me want to read quite a few. I've tried Austen several times and just...can't. Hangs head in shame. ;-)

elena said...

oh yes, I've heard so many things about Sabriel! I even checked it out from the library before but returned it unread. One day, I will actually read it!

kayerj said...

I loved the Blue Sword and its companion book the Hero and the Crown. fun list today. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

Merin said...

These are all new to me! That retelling of Snow White and Rose Red sounds especially appealing, though, because I love fairy tale retellings.

Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

~Merin @ Read and Reviewed~

Ann@Blogging-Profits-Unleashed said...

Great list! I might pick some of these! thanks

Melissa (Avid Reader) said...

Persuasion made my list too! I've always wanted to read the Limberlost book because it's one of the few set in Indiana (my state). I need to get on that.

Cassie @ KnowsProse said...

Mercedes Lackey, Sabriel, Neverwhere -- your list gives me happy thoughts!

Bookish Brunette said...
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Michelle said...

The GIrl of the Limberlost is one of my childhood favorites too! My grandma gave me all her books when I was in HS and I loved them all to pieces.

Lingerie sexy said...

Neverwhere is amazing..

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