happy birthday to me

Wednesday, December 30, 2009 |
And a very Merry Unbirthday to all of you! (unless you're my birthday twin, in which case, you = awesome, and I wish you a very happy real birthday!)


kayerj said...

Happy Birthday to you!

and a very merry unbirthday to me!

Missy B. said...

Happy Birthday! Have a great day!

The Book Chick said...

Well, a VERY happy birthday to you! I hope that the birthday faries are good to you and you get LOTS of new books! :)

Cate said...

Have a wonderful birthday! Eat lots of cake! :D

fredamans said...

Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tales of Whimsy said...

Happy happy birthday darling!

Leah l'Orange said...

oooh! happy birthday, CEE! may the birthday fairy bring you many fabulous books and a funky homemade card from your sister! :)

you'll be happy to know i'm enjoying my unbirthday very much, especially now that i have the house to myself. thank you for the wishes!

She said...

happy happy birthday!

MissA said...

Have a WONDERFUL Birthday!!!!!!!! hope you get lots of books/bookstore giftcards *sending book giving gift vibes* :D

Bianca said...

Happy, happy BIRTHDAY. Enjoy it!

mattkendrick.com said...

Ah cool! It’s my birthday too! Happy Birthday!

Memory said...

Happy birthday!

Ginny Larsen said...

happy birthday to you.

and i'm glad we're sisters. cause that makes me just a little bit cooler by proxy :D

Lauren said...

Happy Birthday! Hope it's a wonderful one!

Kristen M. said...

Happy birthday, Celia! Have a great day and I hope you got those books you were hoping for!

Zia said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day.

Brimful Curiosities said...

Best wishes to you!!

justpeachy36 said...

Happy Birthday!!

Briana said...

Have a very happy birthday! :)


Rhiannon Hart said...

Why...why it's my unbirthday! How did you know?

Happy birthday and have a wonderful day!

Llehn said...

Happy birthday girl :D

Melissa (My World...in words and pages) said...

A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!!!! Hope you had a wonderful day!

Alyce said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Hope you have a great time. :)

Ryan said...

Happy, Happy Birthday! May you get lots of presents.

Robby said...

happy beeedayyy!

Jenny said...

Happy happy birthday! I hope your day was perfect!

Unknown said...

Yay birthday! Happy one to you! And may all your birthday wishes come true.

*goes to celebrate unbirthday by reading*

vvb32 reads said...

btw: you've been awarded

theduckthief said...

A very happy but belated birthday to you! And a Happy New Year!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Happy (belated) birthday to you! I had a fun time the other night and I hope your travels are going well.

Robin said...

Happy belated birthday to you!! You share a birthday with my Grandboy (just turned 3), so it's a lovely day to celebrate, whichever way I look at it!

Anonymous said...

LOL! You are too funny. Happy Birthday. :) And a Happy New Year!!

Katrina said...

I am so sorry I missed this on the day. Well, happy belated birthday, or unbirthday since I'm late.

Kim said...

"I'm late, I'm late...for a very important date. No time to say hello, goodbye, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!"

A very happy belated birthday to you and a good, better, best 2010!

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