red-letter days (+ contest)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010 |
It WAS my birthday. It IS the New Year. I HAVE a new job…started Tuesday, actually. Also, Christmas was only a bit ago, and I moved across the country last week (AGAIN). It seems like my life’s been ‘all shook up’ for a while now, and the flakes might just start to settle to the bottom of the snowglobe if I don’t do anything crazy. Cross your fingers...

photo courtesy of Bakerella

So, just the facts, ma’am. New location: Washington, DC. New job: at an international non-profit. New home: moved into an apartment with college girlfriends when my college roommate moved out into her own place. New favorite bookstore: unknown. If you know of any super places in the DC metro area, help me out!

Silly anecdote: on the first day of my new job, the lights in my office went out. Good news, though. I have a window, and we were fine on light until around 5pm. Also good news? I have a Greek co-worker (his voice…!). Like, wow. I got laughs out of my roommates with my meager impression skillz. But he really does have a hot accent. Oh, and yeah? I cleaned the coffeemaker. Nice.

Second day of my new job (today): lights get fixed. I make many trips to the dumpster and start organizing the heck out of my desk. The lights go OUT. Greek co-worker with delicious voice offers to make coffee. I say ‘yes, please!’ It's a shame he’s leaving in two weeks…

In honor of all this craziness (new job! new town! new home!), I’d like to hold a contest. For…NEW BOOKS! Of your choice. Yep, $25 to The Book Depository.


If you’d like to win $25 US to The Book Depository website, make sure to post a comment. I’ll give away one (1) prize to a lucky entrant.

To enter:

Leave a comment on this post answering the question, “What’s your drink of choice while working or reading?”

Please include your email address or another method of contact. Giveaway is open internationally. It will close on January 20 at 11:59pm EST, and I will notify the randomly selected winner via email.

Winner will select titles from the website, the sum of which may total no more than $25 US. I will then place the order, to be delivered to the address provided. Any unused money will revert to me (celi.a, owner of adventures of cecelia bedelia).

Good luck!


Ryan said...

Congrats on the move and the new job. Too bad about the coworker leaving in two weeks though.

Thanks for such a wonderful contest. I would love to enter and my favorite drink at work is water my favorite drink at home is hot tea.

The Book Chick said...

Congrats on the new job and the new adventure! You're a braver woman than I!!!!

Thanks for the giveaway. In the morning, after I get home from my AM run (I drive a school bus), my drink of choice while "working" on my blog is Tim Horton's English Toffee Cappucino. Mmmmmm....delicious! While reading I'm usually drinking Pepsi- horrible for me but so delicious!


Margay Leah Justice said...

Wow, lots of changes this year for you! Good luck with your new job.

My drink of choice is coffee.



Just Your Typical Book Blog said...

Wow, congrats on really starting a new year! I would love to pack up and move across country for a nice start. And whoot to the Greek co-worker - that's always a plus :)

Thanks for the awesome giveaway, too :)

Just Your Typical Book Blog said...

And I completely forgot to put my answer in the entry cause I'm super lame like that.

My favorite choice of drink is soda though I shouldn't drink it anymore because I'm trying to loose weight and its sugar satan.

rhapsodyinbooks said...

Congratulations on the new job! First, a recommendation: my favorite bookstore/cafe in D.C. is Kramer & Afterwords on Connecticut Avenue.

Drink while working or reading: hot chocolate!

nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

Kim said...

Enjoy your next TWO WEEKS! :)

I really only drink water now--with lemon for a real twist.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on moving and the new job! Good luck with all the new changes!

My drink of choice is Arizona green tea. It's perfectly sweet and yummy. :D

Anna ♥

Bianca said...

Congrats on the new job! Happy New Year!

I drink water while reading. Which is what I drink anyways.

infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com

MissA said...

I hope you find a good D.C. bookstore! I would love to live in D.C. :) And congrats on your enw job and having a sexy greek co-worker ;)

My drink of choice while reading is hot chocolate in winter and arizona ice tea/Izzes in summer. And while in school, I drink water.

willbprez (at) aol (dot) com

Thanks for the giveaway!

Jenny said...

Congratulations on the new job! Hopefully you'll find the perfect bookstore soon. :)

At work or reading, my favorite thing to drink in the morning is coffee, black, or if I feel I deserve a treat, then with a splash of cream; and after 11:00 it's water water water.

Jenny said...

I'm so dumb, I forgot my email address. bastet57 (at) gmail (dot) com.

Brodie said...

Congrats on all the new-ness of the New Year, particularly your job! Make sure you talk as much as you can to your sexy Greek co-worker over the next two weeks, you have to make use of what little time left you have with his hot accent ;)

Answer to the question: Boring, but water is my choice of beverage while doing pretty much anything. Although I do looove to indulge in a banana and coffee smoothie while reading sometimes :D

Awesome giveaway, thanks!

She said...

Whoa! How awesome! You are only about 40 minutes away from where I go to school. I love DC as a city; it's so clean (for the most part anyways) and the metro is pretty fabulous as far as subways go. I hope you're enjoying it. Did you go to school around there then? I recall that there's a pretty amazing cupcake place in Georgetown.

As for the question: My favorite drink at work would have to be fresh brewed iced tea. Sometimes there is just something super refreshing about it!

ecaramil at gmail dot com

Ginny Larsen said...

LOL. you = hilarious!

i like diet coke. even though it's dehydrating. also, it's even better with a lemon!

love you :D

Katie said...

Congrats on the new job! =]

My drink of choice would have to be water. I usually only drink sodas when I am eating. Water is what I always have around.

Kristen M. said...

Congrats on the new job and the move though I'm somewhat bummed that I won't get to meet you in Seattle again! My best friend is in D.C., well Maryland, so I can get you some bookstore recs if you want. She is in a book club too.

I really have to limit myself to water when I'm reading or working -- partly for weight management and partly in case I spill (which I do more frequently than I would like to!).

webereading AT gmailDOTcom

ninefly said...

congrats on the new job! and it's too bad about the sexy Greek coworker lol

I personally love drinking all kinds of hot herbal/floral tea, especially rice tea (though I've yet to find a vendor for that...)
I really dislike the taste of coffee (I can stand Ice Capps though lol)


~The Book Pixie said...

Sounds like you've been very busy! lol. *points ou obvious*

This is a terrific contest.

When it comes to drinks, I don't really have a favorite one I like to drink for certain things, like working and reading. Rather I cycle through spells where a particular drink is my favorite to drink. Right now that would be cranberry juice of all things. XD


Mystica said...

So sad that the sexy co worker is temping.

I love hot chocolate when reading and blogging but it does tend to pile on the pounds.

Best wishes for the new year, the move and the new job. May you be happy, peaceful and prosperous in the coming year.


Robby said...


thanks for having such a great contest. :]

Sheere said...

Seems you have started this year pretty well! A sexy co-worker...!

I'm not a coffe girl so I usually drink hot chocolate or just water, one day I will try tea, It would be good for my nerves.

Stacey Brucale said...

Please enter me!

Drink of choice for juice; it goes with everything!


Tales of Whimsy said...

Oh my! I love to hear your doing so well! Congrats on the new job, place, and eye candy :)

Book Butterfly (Kim) said...

What a generous contest!
My drink of choice is a decaf espresso with cream and cinnamon

Thank you!


Kim :)

Sara said...

haha funny post! Seems like the New Year really is a new start for you! I used to live outside D.C but I don't know any good bookstores though... I just order through the book depository :P

I usually don't drink while reading, but now during the winter, a cup of hot chocolate is always nice!


Wicked Walker said...

Congrats on the new job! I just ordered some books from Book Depository..they rock!

I love hot chocolate while reading..especially in this cold weather lately!


Tynga said...


I know I'm gonna sound boring but I always drink water, at work, while reading, a tthe computer, w/e I do. I drink water =P

Thanks for the great contest, I am a fan of bookdepository, I buy all my books there =)


Amelia said...

I enjoy water in the summer but hot chocolate during the winter.

Angiegirl said...

Depends on the weather. Either a Coke or a hot apple cider. :)

angiegirl (at) gmail (dot) com

Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Llehn said...

Happy new year and happy birthday! That's a lot of new beginnings :D

My fav drink of choice is Mountain Dew.


Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

Congrats on all the positive changes in your life! My favorite drink while reading or working is coffee! Unfortunately, I have to limit how much :) Thanks for hosting the awesome contest!

inthehammockblog (at) gmail (dot) com

Rebekah E. said...

My drink of choice is coffee, coffee, coffee. I just love it.


Meghan said...

I usually just drink water or juice. :)
Thanks for the contest!

Vanessa said...

Lots and lots of water!


throuthehaze said...

Congrats on the job!

My drink of choice is Chai.

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Spav said...

I usually drink apple juice.


Rachel said...

Congrats! I just got a job as well =) An answer to your question I usually drink Diet Pepsi (I am addicted to it) lol


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new job, new city and new home!!

I have the most boring answer: water. I don't drink coffee (I can't even stand the smell of coffee beans) and I don't really drink soda much. So I drink water with crushed iced.

thebookvixen at gmail dot com

Angela said...

Good luck with all of the new changes in your life!

My drink of choice is water - boring I know, but I'm allergic to everything else so I'm stuck with either water or Rice Milk and trust me, water is definitely the better alternative.

Tia said...

Congratulations on the new job! I worked in D.C. for a year (also at a nonprofit) and absolutely loved the city. Still miss it. I won't enter this contest since I just won one (don't want to be greedy!), but although I usually drink water while working, my favorite drink would be a vanilla latte... mmm...

Jenna said...

My drink of choice while reading is Orange Strawberry Banana juice. It's delicious.

Thanks for the contest, and congrats on your new job!


The Library Lurker said...

My drink of choice, especially in winter, is a caramel latte. Yum. Thanks for the contest!

book weirdo said...

Congrats on your awesome new job in washington D.C. sounds like a good job not just because of your co-worker.
I have to say my drink of choice is regular h20.

elaing8 said...

congrats on the new job.

my drink of choice when I read is either tea or iced tea.


Unknown said...


My drink of choice is hot cocco! Awesome! :) But it's gotta hve milk in it! :)


Megan said...

Congrats on your new job! Great giveaway. My drink of choice during work and reading is water.


Kirthi said...

Congratulations on the new job! My drink of choice is always water!

- Kirthi

justpeachy36 said...

Nothing like a good cup of coffee.

Congrats on your new stats... home, town, job...

Melissa (My words and pages) said...

Just wanted to start off with congrats on all new things! Glad to have you on the eastern side of the states. I am up in Pennsylvania, getting lots of snow as I type. lol. Hope you don't get snowed in to bad there. We just visited DC over the past summer. I loved it and I plan on coming back for another visit. I loved all the museums and sites, we just couldn't get them all in in 3 days.

Okay, now for the drink of choice... I have to say now a days it is hot tea. I have been drinking Apple Spice Black Tea and Four Berry Black Tea as of late, but I also love the Vanilla Black Tea too.

Jenny N. said...

Congrats on the new job. My drink of choice is Earl Grey tea.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on exciting new job!
Favourite drink: coffee, way to caffine addicted I'm afraid.
Maybe you could talk the Greek co-worker into staying good luck!
email: stgeitz attpg dot com

A Bookshelf Monstrosity said...

Sounds like you're adjusting pretty well to so many changes in your life! Congrats to you.

My favorite drink for pretty much any situation has to be coffee- regular or iced :)


donnas said...

Congrats on the new job. Sounds like its off to a fun start.

My favorite drink is Diet Coke.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Lisa said...

Hot co-worker? Leaving in two weeks? Sounds like a perfect fling to me!

Zee said...

Congratulations on the new job!! I have several friends in DC and they love it (and being bookworms I am sure they require good bookstores to be happy :D)

I drink tea. By the bucket load. All day long. If I had a Starbucks nearby I would be drinking their lattes as much as possible but alas there isn't a single Starbucks in this country (although I have heard a nice rumor that one will be opening at the airport this year)

You can reach me from my profile.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the job!

I love this drink at Caribou Coffee called: Lite White Berry with sugar free raspberry.

foltzsfantasticbooks at

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the job and move!

My favorite drink this time of year is coffee, black please.

Thanks for the great contest.

carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com

Marie said...

Congrats on the new job! What a wonderful way to start the new year!

My favorite drink is hot chocolate :-)

sRy_ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robin said...

Oh my've moved completely across the country! How exciting for you! Good luck with the new job, finding the new favorite bookstore, and starting anew!

Heidi V said...

Hopefully the storms haven't hit the area...Greek accents are yum! I wish you well on the new job and what sounds like a fresh new start.

My favorite drink is hot tea - flavor - peppermint

heidivargas [at] live dot com

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the new job, and the move! How exciting is that! Also: hooray for making coffee!

My preferred drink at home is tea, orange pekoe, with milk, decaf after 2pm. But at work I usually have a cup of coffee with a touch of cream and sugar.

oh, and my email address is my username -- kiirstin with all the i's ;)

brizmus said...

Congrats on the moving across the country and the new job, etc. . .

My favorite drink is totally water, although I do occasionally go in for some oat milk hot chocolate. :-)


Melody said...

I love to drink lightly sweetened iced tea. Congrats on the job. Do you mind telling us more about it. What was your major and does it relate to your job? I have been thinking about trying to get a job in that area because I'm having no luck here.


Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Sounds like your new job and city are off to a good start. I hope the lights stay on this week.
I like water. :)

Rabid Fox said...

You're in DC now? Kudos on the big move. Good luck in the nation's capital.

What’s your drink of choice while working or reading?

Mine is the standby of many--coffee (with a spoonful of sugar and a dab of milk). If not that, I always have a bottle of water handy.

e-mail: rabidfox(at)

mindy said...

for me it would be coffee without a doubt thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net

cstironkat said...

I drink diet coke but in the winter I drink hot chocolate.

jennem said...

Black coffee--no sugar, no nothing!
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

jemscout425 said...

swiss mocha

scottsgal said...

hot chocolate
msboatgal at

Lindsay Frost said...

Soda and Chai tea!
I would LOVE to win this!
Thankyou!! :D:D:D


Lindsay Frost said...

Soda and Chai tea!
I would LOVE to win this!
Thankyou!! :D:D:D


Justine said...

Ooh, I don't know what a Greek accent sounds like.. I'm sure it sounds nice. And hot. ;)

Anyway, I usually drink water...but that makes me go to the bathroom quickly. So I end up making hot chocolate :) Warm and fuzzy in my snuggie!


Steff said...

A new job is always exciting! :D Goodluck!

My choice of drink would have to be hot tea or bubble tea :)


Alyssa F said...

Hmmm... I've always been more of a hot chocolate kind of person. Though generally I tend to eat when I read more because I usually have to steal time during my lunch hour to read. So then I just drink whatever I'm drinking (usually water).


Baggins said...


My drink of choice is milo. Yum!


Baggins said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bunny B said...

Congrats on all the great new things in the lovely new year! :)

My choice of drink is apple juice! Yum :)

bunnybx at gmail . com

kakihara said...

Drink of choice while working coffee --well half a cup of coffee and half a cup of cream & sugar. I like it room temperature too---I know I'm a freak!! I used to have an assistant that kept warming up my coffee--I can't drink it hot! Happy New Year & good luck in Washington DC!

Jessy said...

Sorry I don't know any bookstores in the DC area... but I do know my favorite drink is while reading. It's Dr. Pepper! I need all that caffeine to stay up late to read.

Ellz said...

LOL, too bad the guy with the steamy voice is leaving. Maybe someone interesting will take his place.

My drink of choice is chocolate milk-it does the body good:)

Elie (Ellz Readz)

Anonymous said...

Kudos on the new job :)

My favorite drink is soda! To be specific, it's Seven-Up!

Thanks for the giveaway!



LittleEagle said...

I drink a cup of tea to start the day then it is water for the rest of the workday.

Susan said...

Good luck with the new job! thanks for the chance to win. :)

Sue said...

You're funny. And I love how this post is tagged... "sexy greek co-worker". I'll be searching that tag again!
I love Diet Coke! It's my dark master. Thanks for the giveaway.

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

buddyt said...

Big changes to start the new year with new job and new city.

Hope everything works out well for you.

My choice of drink during the day is plain old ordinary tea !

At night I tend to switch to coffee.

Don't like fizzy drinks.

for the giveaway.


buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

Mandy said...

Congrats on everything!
My absolute favorite drink to drink while reading is Orange Juice. I love the stuff (:

misskallie2000 said...

Wow, you are very brave to tackle all these at one time. I know you would not have chosen to do all at once but sometimes it does happen that way. Good luck, congrats..
In winter I drink hot coco, coffee or tea & water but in the summer I drink ice cold water, both hot & cold tea, & sometimes Sprite. Thanks for the great contest.

misskalllie2000 at yahoo dot com

jocelyn said...

My beverage of choice, no matter what the activity, is always diet pepsi (or coca-cola light when I'm in Germany, diet pepsi is hard to find there)! I might be a little bit of an addict lol!

Thanks for having this contest!

Unknown said...

My drink of choice is an ice cold Diet Coke.
amandarwest at gmaildotcom

Andrea said...

I am defniitely a coke-aholic! That's pretty much all I drink (so bad for me, I know!)


pepsivanilla said...

Please count me in :)
My drink of choice is Coke! Regular only.


Miss Haley said...

any kind of coffee is for me :D

hahahaha at first when I read your post about your co-worker i thought it said "geek" and was like... "um, does she have a thing for nerds?" but then re-read it and yelled at myself for having dyslexia.... lol


Mia J. said...

Good luck with your new job. Hope they finally fix the lights. I like to drink water or green tea while reading.

Simcha said...

Great contest! I like to drink coffee with a little bit of cocoa added, when settlening down with a good book.

bison61 said...

my favorite drink while reading is coffee

tiramisu392 (at)

Test said...

Goodluck with your new job! I hope you love it.

Anyway my favorite drink while reading is a mocha latte.

bargaingirl said...

My drink of choice is hot cinnamon spiced tea while reading a good book. CongratZ on your new job!

Unknown said...

I like to drink Iced Tea.


Heather Thomas - advocate for change said...

You should give the gorgeous greek something to remember the US by! hehehe...or maybe not.

Anyway, I like to drink Diet Mt. Dew around the clock!

5 peas in a pod at sbc global dot net

Ellie Wright said...

Sweet iced tea is my drink of choice. Thanks for the giveaway.

eswright18 at gmail dot com

Sarah E said...

My favorite drink of choice is always water.

Please enter me in this contest!

saemmerson at yahoo dot com

Sarah E

Ladytink_534 said...

Mountain dew or Sprite. Hot cocoa when it's cold

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the new job and the new place! I have never lived in DC but have always thought it would be an awesome place to live. Have fun exploring and finding a new cool bookstore.

I always have a bottle of water or a glass of water with me and, otherwise, when reading I love a good cup of tea or coffee!

Thank you for a wonderful giveaway!

Aimala127 AT gmail DOT com

Kristen said...

Congrats! :)

Fantastic giveaway!

dragonzgoil at gmail dot com

Alicia said...

Drink of choice would be Iced tea, but since I can't have it anymore, water.

Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

bloggyig at gmail dot com

Nelsby said...

Congratulations and best of luck on the new job and your recent move!

Such a tough decision! I believe my favorite drink (especially while settling down with a good book) is Chai Tea.

sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Tuning Into YA Books said...

hm...depends for my drink of choice
if it's winter: hot chocolate
summer: coke (need the caffeine)

Thanks for the great contest :)

Unknown said...

Definitely warm Chai!

CherylS22 said...

Hope you are all settled in your new home & job. Congratulations!

My drink of choice is ice-cold water anytime.
Thanks ~ megalon22 at yahoo dot com

J. Lee said...

Favortie drink would be latte ;)


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