This Week's Topic is: 3 books you wish had a sequel
I’ve never been one to beg for a sequel, even if the ending of a book seems ambiguous. I just let my imagination have free reign and savor what is actually written. But if I have to choose – and I do for the meme – I’m going to choose old favorites. I’ve imagined new endings for these books countless times as I’ve reread them over the years, but I’d love to know how the authors themselves envision their continuing stories (it they do at all).

1. The Only Alien on the Planet by Kristen D. Randle
Whenever people say they like ‘contemporary fiction’ best, I wonder a bit, and try to place a book that I love in the genre. Inevitably, I end up with this one. I wouldn’t mind knowing how Ginny and Caulder and Smitty end up, because I love them all so much.

2. Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
As Neverwhere as a book ends, another adventure is already beginning for its characters. I’d love to follow the Marquis and all the other zany denizens of this novel on further adventures in London Below. I’m sure they’d be hilarious, dark, frightening, and joyous by turns.

3. Magic for Marigold by L.M. Montgomery
I will admit that I’ve always been a bit miffed that there wasn’t a follow-up book for this title. I mean, didn’t L.M. WRITE in series? I had that thought tucked away somewhere…oh wait, it’s a natural expectation, seeing as she wrote how many Anne books? *le sigh* Magic for Marigold leaves off in Marigold’s early adolescence. I know it’s too late now, but I’d love to know how she was meant to grow up, and maybe even grow old.
Can you name three books that you wish there were sequels for?
I haven't read any of those books, but you've given me some new titles to explore!
great meme...there are so many books that I would love to see a sequel for either to continue and wrap up some unanswered questions or just to give me more adventure/intrigue in the world the author created.
Sometimes I'm torn between an author pouring out sequel after sequel vs creating something new every time. Some worlds/characters are so vibrant and wonderful, you want the stories to keep coming forever. At the same time, when an author is especially talented, I'm eager to see what new worlds/characters/stories they may have in store.
I haven't read any of these books either and I am HUGE LM Montgomery fan...I just may have to add this to my list.
Ah yes Neverwhere could use a sequel, or in the very least follow up short stories set in the world. Come on Neil get to it!
I remember the first book you mention, but I don't think I read it. lol about LM--she did write in series length, so the few single titles she has are a little frustrating...
Sadly, I haven't read any of these. Great thoughts :) you've got me thinking now.
New books for me so thanks for highlighting. Susan Howatch's books are sequels and delightful.
Look at all of the people that have written sequels to Jane Austen's books. Maybe you should write one for "Magic for Marigold!"
Great choices! I've been having trouble with this one.
I totally agree with Neverwhere. I feel like it was easiest to pick ones where the author built a different world because you know that there will always be more to tell about it.
I'll have to read your other two! I haven't heard of either one.
Where have I been? I haven't read any of these books! The only Gaiman I've read was American Gods.
Now you've got me reflecting, hmmm. I'm going to have to think about this one.
I completely agree about Neverwhere. I would have read a sequel immediately after finishing the book.
Neverwhere, great choice. That's really surprising that Montgomery wrote something with sequel potential and then didn't follow it up. She always wrote sequels!
Interesting meme. I may have to use it too.
Haven't read Neverwhere, but anything that results in more storytelling from Neil Gaiman I can support. :)
Why DIDN'T she write a sequel to Marigold? I wonder if she wrote that one close to the end of her life, and just never had time to write any more. To be fair, Magic for Marigold was never one of my favorites - the scene at the beginning, with everyone trying to decide on a name, was so great that everything after that felt a bit like an anticlimax.
I think Neil Gaiman does have a planned sequel for Neverwhere though, or at least another book set in the same world. I can't wait!
Ummm - it doesn't count as a sequel because it isn't one, but I do have a new book out. A different one. So maybe you'd like that? It's called The Gardener, and it's a Kindle book. I kind of can't do The Alien. I'm afraid that he and Ginny'd end up going to university in different places, and their lives? Different directions. And that wouldn't be any fun at all.
But thanks. I loved being on your short list.
K: Thanks for alerting me to that! I've just downloaded it to my iPhone. Yay!
Cecelia - you ought to "like" my Kristen D Randle author page on Facebook - that way, I wouldn't lose you, and you'd get the notices (not that there are many). But I'm dying to know how you liked The Gardener - and I just released a fantasy (that I love - but then - you know . . .)
Anyway - there you go -
Agreed, there needs to be a sequel to Magic for Marigold!!! My childhood favourite :-)
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