teaser tuesday (6)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 |
It's Teaser Tuesday, a bookish blog meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Here's how it works:

Grab your current read and let it fall open to a random page. Post two (or more) sentences from that page, along with the title and author. Don’t give anything vital away!

“I run up the stairs, hurrying now because luck can’t possibly be on my side every day of my life, and I am not mentally disposed to reciting any gases today, much less the noble ones. I take the stairs two at a time, feeling the awesome burn in my quads, when all of a sudden…he’s there.”

-p. 65 of Gaby Triana’s Riding the Universe


Nicole said...

Oooh that's a great teaser! I like the writing -- hope you're enjoying the book.

Oh, and here's an award for you. :)

Pam said...

Awesome teaser! Love the cover of this, too. Thanks for sharing!

Andrea said...

That sounds so cute, great teaser.

Ryan said...

Great teaser, and I agree with Pam the cover is pretty cool.

Here is mine


Kals said...

Such an exciting teaser..makes me want to know what follows next :D

jlshall said...

Yes, that really is a teaser! Love the title, too. Very nice.

Jo-Jo said...

I like that teaser...sounds like a moment that would really make your heart pump. I love the name of your blog!

Allison said...

Ooh I want to know who he is!

Susan said...

Great teaser this week! You can check out my teaser here.

Nikola said...

That was a great teaser, very nice!

gautami tripathy said...

Interesting teaser!

Tuesdays: Teaser/Whereabouts

JoAnn said...

Who's there??? Great teaser!

Cackleberry Homestead said...

Great teaser - have to check out this book.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love this one! It gives a great snese of this character's voice and makes me want to know more about her. Too bad I've banned myself from requesting any new books this month...

Amy said...

Nice teaser! Thanks for commenting on mine!

Lisa-Marie Jordan said...

Great teaser! Thanks for visiting me!

Anonymous said...


Looks like a fun book.

Anonymous said...


Looks like a fun book.

Phyl said...

I have so many reasons for liking this teaser, among them the fact that I really perked up at the mention of the noble gases. I'm such a geek, heehee! Anyway, very good teaser.

My own rather terse Teaser this week is at Bookishgal.

Anonymous said...

I remeber the feeling - great teaser!

Catherine @ The Blonde Diaries said...

Sounds like someone is going to be late for class. I wish I had that trouble in high school but no boys were around. I could have used a distraction some of the time.

Thanks for sharing the teaser. Let me know how the book goes.

Teddyree said...

nice one ~ consider me teased. Cool looking cover.
Here's my Teaser

Laya said...

LOL, sorry about the glitch in the blog comment!

Nice teaser. Must look out for that book! :)

Krista said...

Wow, Great Teaser! I'll have to look for this, Thanks! Heres mine: http://carmen-krista.blogspot.com/

Jennay and Luke the Pup said...

nice teaser...enjoy the book!

Anonymous said...

You had me at "reciting any gases." Very nice.

Thanks for stopping by my blog too.

The Book Explorer said...

Ooooh. Intrigue! Great Teaser! =)

Jess. said...

I really like this teaser! I might have to add the book to my TBR list

Kim said...

YUM!! And thanks for stopping by my teaser. ~~ Kim

Lizzy said...

great teaser! I hadn't heard of this book before, but I'll definitely be looking into it

kayerj said...

sounds like a good book to read, thanks for stopping by

Eli said...

Wow! Great teaser! x)

kalea_kane said...

Simply fabulous teaser. What a great looking book! Thank you for sharing it and for stopping by!

Alex said...

Splendid Teaser! :) Have a good one!

Mandy said...

ooh, who's the guy? :)

Mandy said...

(Oh, by the way, you have won a copy of Bernard Beckett's Genesis over at my blog!! E-mail me so I can mail it out to you! mandy @ wordsworthbooks dot com)

Anonymous said...

Great teaser! I think I'm going to have to add this to my TBR list.

Alice said...

Nice teaser, celi.a! I wonder what happened after that. :D

A Buckeye Girl Reads said...

What a great teaser..it makes me want to find out what happens!

Anonymous said...

Nice teaser!

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