teaser tuesday (2)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 |
It's Teaser Tuesday, a bookish blog meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Here's how it works:

Grab your current read and let it fall open to a random page. Post two (or more) sentences from that page, along with the title and author. Don’t give anything vital away!

“Rapunzel shrieked again, and something inside her, something old and cold and strange that should never have come back into the world, bubbled up from where it was hiding and used her voice to speak a spell. The carefully pruned thorn bushes shivered in answer, and their branches suddenly grew long and the thorns much sharper, and they lashed out at the three boys, scratching horribly, tendrils seeking their pale red eyes.”

-from Garth Nix’s “An Unwelcome Guest,” p. 42 in Troll’s-Eye View: A Book of Villainous Tales, edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling


A Buckeye Girl Reads said...

This isn't the type of book I'd normally read, but the teaser sounds really good!!

Mary (Bookfan) said...

Interesting teaser!

vvb32 reads said...

creepy cover. great teaser. look forward to hearing your review on this as i'm not usually an anthology reader.

Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

This looks ominous. Here is mine

Nicole said...

Dangit, you've added another book to my must-read list. Honestly, if I'd seen that book at a bookstore, I would have bought it for the cover alone, but your teaser sounds great too.

Jo-Jo said...

Yikes...this sounds creepy! Thanks for the teaser.

Ginny Larsen said...

woooooow, creepy. no joke. the cover is scary.

Teddyree said...

Oooh creepy teaser and creepy cover. I love Garth Nix's writing though, really enjoyed Sabriel & Lirael.

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